RTS Labs Celebrates Launch of New VMFA Educational Interactives

RTS Labs is pleased to celebrate the successful launch of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts’ Forbidden City interactive exhibit, “Beyond The Walls.” In addition to the authentic Chinese picture scrolls and instruments, the exhibit includes four touch screen kiosks on which visitors can learn Chinese calligraphy or design their own Chinese seal through the educational interactives built by RTS.

To ensure longevity and re-usability of the interactives, RTS is employing responsive web techniques and the use of a JavaScript canvas library called Fabric.js, rather than Adobe Flash technology which is limited on popular mobile devices and tablets.

“Beyond The Walls” will be open at the VMFA through June 2015, but access to both the Calligraphy and Seal interactives, as well as two others, are readily available through the VMFA Educational Resource website for any web browser for families at home, and in-classroom use by educators.

Development of these interactives into a mobile app will be the next step by RTS Labs to aid the VMFA in creating a more personal and lasting museum experience for visitors to the Forbidden City: Imperial Treasures from the Palace Museum, Beijing exhibition opening in October 2014.

Check out the interactives here: http://vmfa.museum/tours/mobile-apps/beyond-the-walls/