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June 29, 2017

Phishing Scams Are Getting Sophisticated – Are You at Risk of Taking the Bait?

You know what industry is huge right now? Hacking. Data breaches, identity theft, ransomware, viruses … It’s like the Wild, Wild West out there! But phishing? Most people think there’s […]

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June 22, 2017

How Big Data May Have Helped Amazon Decide to Buy Whole Foods

Amazon’s $13.7 billion deal with Whole Foods seemed to come out of nowhere – or did it? Why would a huge, online retailer buy a brick and mortar grocery store? […]

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June 15, 2017

Salesforce Enterprise Edition: Worth it for Your Business?

So you’ve decided to pull the trigger on a Salesforce solution. Congrats! You’re about to enter a world of better data and decision making! But now that you’ve decided on […]

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May 18, 2017

5 Mobile UX Design Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Mobile apps are a dime a dozen. With roughly 4 million of them between iTunes and Google Play, the choices are almost limitless – and overwhelming. But not all apps […]

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May 5, 2017

11 Security Tips Every SaaS Startup Should Take to Heart

Are you currently developing any new software as a service (SaaS) or have an idea in the works? SaaS is a growing industry and for very good reason. The SaaS […]

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April 25, 2017

To Code or Not to Code: Is Custom Software Development the Right Answer?

Nearly every innovative company faces this decision as they grow: Do you stick with off-the-shelf (OTS) software for your enterprise and business process needs, or do you invest in custom […]

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April 14, 2017

2 Simple Tips to Take Your Salesforce CRM to the Next Level

You could spend hours and hours getting sucked into the many articles on the Internet about Salesforce. As a CRM platform, its capacity for customization and integration with existing systems […]

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April 6, 2017

6 Secrets to Developing a Successful SaaS Company

The Software as a Service model, or SaaS, has been dramatically changing day-to-day operations for businesses for years now. In some cases, it has transformed entire industries that previously relied […]

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March 30, 2017

Salesforce Customization: DIY vs. Pro

We love Salesforce. Beyond its business intelligence and sales capabilities, one of Salesforce’s biggest strengths is how much you can customize it to be what you need it to be. […]

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March 23, 2017

4 Key Steps to Building a Successful Minimum Viable Product that Every Startup Should Follow

When you’re a startup, it’s not enough to have a new idea. You have to be able to prove your new idea works and is viable – that you have […]

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March 16, 2017

Does the Healthcare Industry Need Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?

The phrase “patient-centered healthcare” gets thrown around a lot in the healthcare industry, thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or sometimes called Obamacare). But the ACA isn’t the only […]

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February 16, 2017

Build vs. Buy: 4 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Software Solution

Of all the tough decisions you have to make when starting a new business, one of the toughest – and most important – is which software will you use to […]

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