DevOps Strategy & Consulting Services

Unlock the full potential of your software development with RTSLabs' DevOps services. From seamless project architecture to cost-effective cloud solutions, we empower your team for faster, more agile, and cost-efficient operations.

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DevOps consulting from DevOps experts

Accelerate your development cycle by minimizing costs and driving efficiency with our DevOps experts. With over a decade of experience in IT and DevOps, we at RTS Labs are equipped to guide your DevOps transformation journey.

1. Overview

If you want to improve your software delivery, build a culture of agility and automation, accelerate software releases, and harness the power of the cloud, we can help. The first step is to adopt a modern way of developing and releasing software by unifying software development and IT operations, also called DevOps.

New to DevOps? Learn what DevOps is

Improved customer satisfaction rates propel top-performing companies to adopt DevOps, and we want you to be next. Here’s what you can expect from our DevOps engineering experts:

  • Current state assessment
  • Roadmap and future state
  • Strategy, design, and implementation
  • Effective DevOps toolsets that help you achieve CI/CD
  • Alert and security automation
  • Collaboration tools, role building and team integration
  • DevOps advisory services for your whole team
  • Ongoing performance optimization

devops overview

2. Start here: Building a DevOps culture

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, organizations often find themselves grappling with isolated teams and sluggish time-to-market. But DevOps isn’t merely a technological shift; it’s a cultural shift that demands a comprehensive re-engineering of your organizational practices. Gone are the days of fragmented code testing and deployment—enter a new era of cohesive, robust procedures.

At RTS Labs, we don’t just implement DevOps; we instill a DevOps mindset from day one. Our meticulously crafted, solution-oriented roadmap ensures a seamless transition for your entire team into a unified DevOps culture. The result? Enhanced collaboration, expedited deployment cycles, and a nimble, secure enterprise.

Our solution-based step-by-step approach ensures that the entire team successfully migrates to the new dev + ops culture with improved collaboration and accelerated deployment cycles. It’s not just a methodology; it’s a transformative experience that consistently delivers measurable business outcomes.

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3. Making the move to DevOps cloud computing

DevOps doesn’t require your applications and services to be on the cloud, but it does enable cloud computing and optimize for it. DevOps principles and practices directly address challenges posed by the cloud.

After moving to the cloud, the next logical step is deployed DevOps. Our experience has shown that infrastructure involving DevOps poses the least risk when migrating data and helps ensure that everything’s in order.

An all-inclusive process that asks for opinions from all stakeholders helps address the unique challenges inherent to cloud infrastructure. Our team takes all stakeholder input into consideration, whether it be about development, operations, testing, or information security.

cloud migration

4. DevOps automation consulting

DevOps uses automation to get things done. Automation tools are redundant and inefficient without proper implementation, and that’s where our team comes in. We consider your goals and align those goals with automation to reduce errors.

Automation can be included at various points in the development, deployment, and monitoring cycle:

  • Developing code
  • Testing and verifying code
  • Creating a test environment and infrastructure
  • Successfully deploying code
  • Data collection
  • Creating security notifications
  • Executing the entire DevOps pipeline

Check out our DevOps Getting Started Guide

devops automation

5. Agile methodology + DevOps

Agile (the de facto standard in software development) and DevOps are a natural pairing.

DevOps is often called an evolution from Agile, because they complement each other. Shorter development cycles and feedback acquisition are major benefits of both systems.

With our holistic DevOps professional services team, we help you build an Agile framework that will increase overall efficiency by modernizing your operations, your team, and your process.

agile devops

6. Let's start a successful DevOps journey together

Our key offerings include:

DevOps assessment & strategy: Our experienced team will analyze your current DevOps environment and processes, providing you with an executive summary report that includes a high-level roadmap for recommended improvements.

Schedule a DevOps assessment session

DevOps bundle: This bundled stack is for organizations looking to revamp their existing DevOps processes and toolsets. We will deploy a set of virtual images of your existing servers to AWS, Azure, GCP, or private cloud. Then we’ll use a selection of the best industry tools to refine your existing processes, and we’ll provide thorough training. Our mission is to create a reliable and capable base for your DevOps platform, fully managed by our team, with streamlined support and maintenance.

DevOps Transformation:

We don’t just offer DevOps services; we deliver a complete DevOps transformation experience. From meticulous Assessment and Planning to robust CI/CD Pipeline Development, from intelligent Process Automation to ironclad Security Integration—our team of seasoned DevOps experts is committed to catapulting your operations into a new realm of efficiency and innovation. Partner with us and turn your DevOps vision into a game-changing reality


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7. AWS and Azure consulting

In a landscape where technology is the linchpin of competitive advantage, generic DevOps solutions simply won’t cut it. At RTS Labs, we elevate your DevOps strategy by seamlessly integrating with industry-leading cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. But we go beyond mere integration. Our solutions leverage cutting-edge automation tools and container orchestration systems like Kubernetes, enabling unparalleled scalability and resilience.

Moreover, our commitment to continuous innovation means that we’re always ahead of the curve in implementing AI-driven DevOps analytics and machine learning algorithms for predictive issue resolution. The result? A future-proof DevOps strategy that not only accelerates your time-to-market but also minimizes operational risks. When you partner with RTS Labs, you’re not just adopting DevOps; you’re strategically positioning your enterprise to lead in a digitally transformed world.

Our partnership with Amazon and Azure and our AWS-certified and Microsoft-certified consultants enable us to help you measurably achieve your business goals faster.

Learn about our AWS Expertise

aws consulting

8. Kubernetes consulting

Kubernetes architecture is an extremely powerful solution to application development and deployment — which means it can be unwieldy at first.

We can help you with container orchestration no matter what stage you’re at, whether it’s understanding and applying containerized application concepts or automating existing pipelines on the Kubernetes platform.

Our expert team is here for you every step of the way, from building containerized applications from the ground up to walking you through a plan of action as you transition to Kubernetes.

Learn more about our Kubernetes Consulting

Kubernetes Logo

9. Automate & report

We automate, measure, and report everything that happens, which allows us to optimize performance.

The various KPIs that can be measured are:

  • Uptime and availability
  • App response time
  • Successful deployment of code
  • Data collection
  • Resource utilization
  • Database query times
  • Frequency of code releases
  • Mean time to resolution
  • Deployment success rate

devops reports

10. DevOps & Security (DevSecOps)

In the fast-paced world of DevOps, security is non-negotiable. That’s why we’ve integrated cutting-edge security protocols directly into our DevOps lifecycle. From automated code reviews to real-time vulnerability assessments, our DevSecOps approach ensures that agility and security go hand-in-hand.

Our cloud experts work in tandem with your DevOps teams, embedding a ‘Security as Code’ culture. The result? A streamlined development cycle that’s not just fast but also fortified against emerging threats. With RTS Labs, you get the best of both worlds: unparalleled speed and uncompromising security, giving you a decisive edge in today’s competitive, risk-sensitive landscape.

devops security

Customer success story

World Wide Express

Amy Daniels, CIO
Worldwide Express

“The RTS Labs team didn’t just offer a service; they offered a strategy. Their Assessment and Planning phase was thorough and insightful, setting us on the right path for DevOps transformation.”
— Simon Revell, Director, Products at Pfizer, Inc

“Choosing RTS Labs was a game-changer for us. Their expertise in CI/CD pipeline development accelerated our software delivery by 40%. A true partner in innovation.”

— Andy J., Sr. Director, A leading Logistics Company

“Security was a big concern for us, and RTS Labs delivered. Their Security Integration services have fortified our operations, giving us peace of mind.”

— Ken C. Product Innovation, A leading Financial Company

Effective DevOps

Download your FREE copy now!

Effective DevOps: Automation for Configuration, Collaboration & Precision

Today’s software development requires constant deployment, multiple iterations and faces ever-changing expectations from customers. Rather than fighting any tension between your Development and Operations teams, you may be in need of a more collaborative DevOps team. Read more in our free whitepaper download.
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Effective DevOps 1

We are one of the top DevOps consulting companies in the USA

Our DevOps consultants are experts in industry-leading DevOps tools, such as Docker, Kubernetes, Puppet, Jenkins, Vagrant, Ansible, etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The main reason organizations adopt DevOps is to deliver products and services to market faster. DevOps aims to streamline the entire development process and foster tighter collaboration between teams working on different stages of the product lifecycle. Companies frequently look to bring on an expert DevOps solutions partner to help them realize these benefits of faster delivery, more efficient processes, and closer cross-functional teamwork across the value stream. An experienced provider can guide organizations through transforming their culture, tools, and practices to embrace a DevOps methodology that improves speed, quality, and customer satisfaction.

Adopting DevOps can provide many benefits including faster time-to-market for new features and releases, reduced errors and outages through continuous testing and monitoring, improved software quality and security through modern development practices, enhanced collaboration between cross-functional teams, and better customer satisfaction from rapid delivery of value.

To successfully adopt DevOps, organizations need cultural shifts away from siloed, legacy team structures towards collaboration, shared responsibilities and end-to-end ownership across the software delivery lifecycle. It involves instilling a culture of automation, continuous experimentation and learning powered by data-driven insights.

Typical DevOps tooling includes version control systems like Git for source code management, continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD) tools like Jenkins for automation, infrastructure as code tools like Terraform for provisioning, configuration management using Chef or Puppet, containers and orchestrators like Docker and Kubernetes, monitoring tools like Prometheus, and collaboration platforms like Slack.

DevOps return on investment can be measured through metrics like lead time from code commit to production, deployment frequency, time to restore service after incidents, and change failure rate. Other indicators include productivity metrics like features delivered, faster innovation, improved customer retention from reliable updates.

Transitioning legacy applications to cloud-native architectures provides the most agility. But adopting DevOps can also be done incrementally with existing systems through “strangling” monoliths. However, organizations may eventually replatform on containers and microservices to fully optimize workflows.

There is no fixed duration for adopting DevOps since it is an evolving cultural and technological transition. Transformations can take months or years of gradual, continuous improvement. Avoid big bang deployments in favor of incrementally automating processes one step at a time.

DevOps engineers are responsible for creating automated workflows and CI/CD pipelines, building and managing infrastructure as code, configuring and integrating development, testing, and production environments, implementing monitoring and observability, collaborating with developers and ops teams, and helping debug issues with rapid feedback

At RTS Labs, we have over a decade of DevOps Excellence. When it comes to DevOps transformation, experience isn’t just a metric—it’s a promise of quality, reliability, and innovation. With over 10 years of industry-leading expertise, RTS Labs has been at the forefront of DevOps evolution. Our seasoned professionals have successfully navigated complex DevOps challenges across diverse industries, from healthcare and finance to technology and retail. But we don’t rest on our laurels; we continually invest in upskilling and R&D to ensure that you benefit from the latest advancements in DevOps methodologies and tools. Choose RTS Labs and align yourself with a partner who has a proven track record of delivering excellence.

Helpful resources to establish a Robust, Scalable DevOps Organization

July 27, 2023

DevOps Transformation: Readiness & SMART Goals

Welcome to the world of DevOps, where software development and IT operations unite to revolutionize the way organizations deliver high-quality software. It’s a game-changer that accelerates the pace of development […]

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July 27, 2023

Accurate Descriptions: Understanding Agile and DevOps

Agile and DevOps have revolutionized the way we develop software. Their outstanding guidelines and principles have helped skyrocket the software development process, making it high in demand and more efficient […]

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July 27, 2023

Agile and DevOps: A Transformational Journey

As the technological landscape today is always in a state of rapid growth and development, many companies face the demand for superior products and faster and more efficient services. Most […]

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July 27, 2023

Agile-DevOps Software Development Efficiency

Agile and DevOps are two popular software development approaches, each with its own set of advantages. Agile stresses iterative and incremental development, allowing teams to adjust quickly to changing requirements […]

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July 27, 2023

Debunking Common Misconceptions: Agile and DevOps

In the dynamic world of software development and operations, two methodologies have established a significant influence – Agile and DevOps. However, with their rise in popularity comes a parallel rise […]

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July 7, 2023

Agile & DevOps: Boost Collaboration in Software Delivery

The convergence of Agile and DevOps methodologies allows for improved cooperation and faster delivery. Agile methodology promotes flexibility, adaptability, and customer collaboration, whereas DevOps bridges the gap between development and […]

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April 4, 2023

DevOps Teams & AI: Maximize Benefits

DevOps teams are responsible for delivering software applications at an unprecedented pace while maintaining a high level of output and performance quality. With the rapid advancements in technology, DevOps teams […]

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January 30, 2023

Maximizing ROI Through DevOps

DevOps is the process of combining software development and operations to create an agile, efficient, and cost-effective workflow. It is designed to help companies achieve maximum return on investment (ROI) […]

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January 14, 2022

Enterprise DevOps: Top Tools & Roadmaps for 2022

DevOps isn’t a new idea, but as businesses understand the need to release software and updates more frequently, there’s never been a better time to implement enterprise DevOps.  While many […]

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December 23, 2021

Hire a DevOps Engineer: When & Why You Need Them

DevOps Engineers: Who are they, and how do you know when you need to hire a good one? As you might have guessed from the name, DevOps covers both development […]

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October 3, 2019

Developing an Agile Culture: A Quick Reference Guide for DevOps

What if we told you that one organizational change could help you accelerate your development cycle, minimize costs, and help your team create better software? That one change is developing […]

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March 31, 2019

Legacy system modernization: Your 101 guide

With business dynamics changing constantly, it can be difficult to get your software capabilities to keep up. But in an increasingly digital world, it’s often your software and systems that […]

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