Tech blog

Discover answers to your questions on Business Innovation, Data, DevOps, Salesforce, and more.

April 10, 2020

Jyot’s Response to COVID-19

At RTS we recognize that the impact of COVID-19 has negatively impacted businesses and individuals across the country and throughout the world. To be safe, we have temporarily closed the […]

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April 10, 2020

How to Adapt or Pivot Your Business with Technology

There’s a strange thing happening all over the world right now as COVID-19 (aka the Coronavirus) continues to spread. Work is changing drastically as we remain cooped up in our […]

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March 16, 2020

Machine Learning Consulting for Smarter Businesses

It’s not easy for non-tech companies to find a ML expert. Hiring a machine learning consulting firm might be your best bet. It’s easy to get lost in the array […]

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October 3, 2019

Developing an Agile Culture: A Quick Reference Guide for DevOps

What if we told you that one organizational change could help you accelerate your development cycle, minimize costs, and help your team create better software? That one change is developing […]

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September 30, 2019

What is ‘GIFEE’, and why is it a big deal?

GIFEE stands for “Google’s Infrastructure For Everyone Else”. This revolutionizes managing high velocity and high agility software products. These changes came from Google design documents of their own internal infrastructure. […]

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September 26, 2019

CTL+BE: A Constant for Our Company Culture

  We’ve always been proud of the strong culture that we’ve built over the years. RTS Labs runs a flat organization where we hold each other accountable – making it unnecessary […]

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September 19, 2019

It’s 2019 — Why Won’t Your Sales Team Use Salesforce? [Updated]

Taking the leap and investing in Salesforce for your sales, biz dev and CRM is exciting! You’ve done your research. You know it’s a solid tool, and you’re 100% sure […]

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September 12, 2019

9 Essentials for a Good RFP: Key Elements to Include

About to launch a new technology project? Ready to engage outside vendors? Before you send any emails, ask for recommendations or make any phone calls, your team needs to sit […]

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September 5, 2019

7 Real-Life Examples of How Business Intelligence Can Transform a Business [Update]

If you could invest in a solution that would help you to run your company more efficiently, make better decisions, and understand your customers better, would you make the investment? […]

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August 29, 2019

Salesforce Implementation Tips Guaranteed to Make You Fail [2019 Update]

Everyone who makes the decision to use Salesforce wants it to succeed. It’s the key to more customers and better customer relationships. Yet many Salesforce implementations don’t live up to […]

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August 22, 2019

The 5 Stages of Software Development (2019 Update)

Undergoing a custom software build can be daunting for almost any organization – and even more so if you don’t have a technical background or aren’t completely familiar with the […]

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August 15, 2019

Salesforce Lightning Experience for Classic Users

Winter is coming. And we’re not talking about White Walkers here. For us and the millions of Salesforce users out there, the winter we’re anticipating is the Winter ‘20 release […]

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