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5 Steps to Automate Your Business Intelligence

January 30, 2023
Posted in: Data, Innovation, People Services

A helps firms become more error-proof and precise while freeing up workers to work on higher-value activities.

This has the potential to save expenses, increase loyalty from customers, and provide the company with an advantage in the market. But first, let’s talk about what Business Intelligence is and why you should automate in the first place.

What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence or BI describes the hardware and software used for gathering, storing, and analyzing information to make better business choices. Software and other technologies are used to collect, cleanse, and analyze information from a variety of places, including internal corporate databases, third-party sources like market research organizations, and social media platforms. Following its collection and processing, the data is examined to provide insights and patterns that might guide future business decisions.

BI is utilized to help with many different aspects of running a company, such as advertising, sales, accounting, and operations. Data-driven choices, consumer insight, and the discovery of new business prospects are all aided by this tool. 

Questions such as, “What are our most popular products?”  “Which marketing channels are most successful,” and “What are the primary drivers of our financial performance?” are all answered using business intelligence. Business intelligence allows companies to make better, more profitable choices thanks to the data it collects.

What is the Business Intelligence Process?

The business Intelligence process describes the procedures and actions taken in the context of gathering, storing, and analyzing information to make better business choices. The BI process is broken down into the following phases, albeit the precise order of these phases can change based on the nature of the company and the nature of the tools and technologies being employed.
5 Steps To Successfully Automate Your Business Intelligence Process

Gathering Data

The initial stage in business intelligence is collecting information from a wide range of resources, including internal corporate databases, external sources like market research organizations, and social media platforms.

Processing the Gathered Data

In the next step, the collected data has to be processed and cleaned before it can be analyzed. To make the data useful, it might need to be sorted out, any mistakes fixed, and the information brought up to date.

Data Analysis

The data must then be analyzed to provide patterns and insights that will guide operational choices. Statistical and analytical methods, business intelligence tools, and software can be used to generate reports and dashboards.

Decision Making

Ultimately, the results of the BI process are put to use by informing operational judgments and strategies. Adopting such measures might include adjusting corporate strategy, introducing new procedures, or taking other measures.

The business intelligence (BI) process is, on a whole, a constant working cycle and includes the continuing collection and analysis of data to both enhance and inform corporate decision-making. The experts at RTS believe that automation of this process guarantees benefits to your company operations in a variety of ways.

Why Is It Important To Automate Your Business Intelligence Process?

There are several reasons why you should invest in BI automation.

To begin, Business Intelligence automation will boost efficiency by standardizing and streamlining the processes of data gathering, storage, and analysis. Automating mundane, time-consuming tasks like data gathering and processing will free up employees to focus on more valuable work, which in turn boosts productivity and lowers costs.

Secondly, the automation of the BI process will improve the accuracy and reliability of data. By automating data collection and processing with the help of technology, businesses save time and resources while simultaneously improving the quality and timeliness of their data. This will ensure that businesses are making educated decisions, which would improve the quality of their operations as a whole.

Lastly, Business Intelligence automation helps businesses make better data-driven decisions. Thanks to the automation provided by business intelligence (BI) tools and software, organizations no longer need to wait for manual processes to complete before gaining access to real-time insights and analysis. In the competitive business environment of today, this will help provide businesses an edge by improving their ability to make quick decisions. 

Since automating your BI process will increase efficiency, accuracy, speed, and competitive edge, it is essential to your growth.

What are the 5 Successful Steps to Automating Your Business Intelligence Process?

The steps that are outlined by the professionals at RTS Labs will assist you in getting off to a good start.

Choose Where to Automate

The first thing you need to do is figure out which of your existing company procedures can benefit from being automated. Take on just what you can manage successfully for this test project. Take for instance the selection of a support procedure that is performed regularly and consumes a significant amount of human resources. You should also make a financial assessment of the prospective savings at this point.

Analyze Processes, Fix Weaknesses

In this stage, you’ll take a closer look at your chosen process. The present process could include gaps, interruptions, and inefficiencies that can be identified via various means (such as workshops). Then you need to get rid of the holes. Business process management (BPM) standard approaches and tools are useful now. This is a crucial stage since you should not be aiming to automate procedures that are prone to human mistakes.

Consider the potential dangers of automating the chosen business process. You need to think about things like data security and the potential severity of process disruptions.

Prepare Process Automation

When the optimal target process has been determined, the planning stage can start. The process consists mostly of the following actions:

  • Determine the functions that will need filling as a result of automation’s introduction.
  • Modify existing procedures as needed to reduce potential security breaches.
  • Set standards for data privacy
  • Educate the impacted workforce by holding awareness activities.

The latter aspect is crucial since impacted workers will be doubtful. Hence, demonstrate the shifts that will occur as a consequence of automating the process.

Choose Your Software

To fully automate and digitize your company’s operations, you need to use an appropriate software solution. Several paths are open to you now, and you should decide with an eye on the future. As a result, don’t limit yourself to the specifications of the preliminary study. Think about the fact that in the future, you’ll have to automate operations that are less standardized, more variable, and more complicated. At some point, process automation is sure to go outside the walls of your company.

Compatibility with current and potential third-party systems is an essential selection factor for viable solutions. The methods that are accessible to you are Robotic Process Automation (RPA) or Digital Process Automation (DPA).

DPA is an all-encompassing method of automating operations, while RPA excels at standardizing those that adhere to well-defined guidelines. By way of illustration, the different technologies made available by digital process automation are utilized to automate everything from simple, repeatable tasks to elaborate, dynamic workflows. With DPA software, you can even reach out to your clients and vendors. 

In particular, low-code DPA solutions shine since they don’t need any coding expertise on the part of the user. In this context, low-code DPA solutions are very useful since they don’t need the user to have any prior programming experience since both RPA and DPA are flexible enough to be utilized together.

Activate Your Automation Solutions

Now comes the fun part: implementing your selected automation solution and drawing up a process map in software. Next, test methods are put into action. Having passed the test, the technique can be easily automated. With the lessons learned from the pilot project in hand, you can go on to larger-scale digital and automation projects. 

Hard data such as the amount of time and money you’ve saved, is vital when attempting to spread the word about your existing automation efforts.
5 Steps To Successfully Automate Your Business Intelligence Process

Final thoughts

As we have shown, there are several advantages to automating your business intelligence process, including increased productivity, precision, speed, lower costs, and adaptability. Observing these five guidelines will help guarantee a smooth and productive Business Intelligence automation project.

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