How does RTS Labs Work? Our Software Development Process

At RTS Labs, we know that each software development project is unique, so we approach every project with an open mind, ready to produce a customized and fitting solution. Our personalized processes dramatically improve software quality, enhance maintainability, and reduce costs.

RTS Software Development Cycle

We begin each new partnership with an in depth examination of our client’s needs and preferences so that we can tailor every step of the process to best fit their circumstances. Through the course of this examination, we identify the software delivery methodology, development language, and team members that will bring the greatest value to the project.

We then conduct an initial project meeting, during which we introduce all the team members who will be involved with every phase of the project, overview of the project goals, and develop the roadmap of how we will get there together. While we hope to have a complete picture of the project requirements before we begin, we understand that there are some necessary features which cannot always be anticipated before interacting with the product. This is one of the many reasons why we insist on regular communication with our clients and why we build opportunities for change management into our development planning.

Once the requirements have been fully mapped out and we come to an agreement on the course of the project, we break down the full scale of the work into manageable chunks, or sprints. Each sprint will contain a complete aspect of the project’s functionality, allowing for both quality and user testing to occur for each individual component as it is developed. In this way, we can identify and address problems as soon as they arise, and ensure that everything is performing appropriately and aligned to the client’s expectations before moving on to the next sprint.

This sprint cycle is repeated throughout the development phase of the project. Once development and final testing are complete, the product is launched and the full functionality is available for the client’s use.

RTS takes pride in the products we develop and deliver to our client. As such, we provide for an “after delivery warranty period,” and we create and deliver training, upon request, to help our clients more quickly and successfully adopt the newly delivered application.

Ultimately, every software development undertaking includes a level of uncertainty. Our goal is to partner with you to help avoid and reduce surprises, and to provide you with decision-making tools along the way.

If you have a software development project that requires an innovative, customized solution, give RTS Labs a call today!

Let’s Build Something Great Together!

Have questions or need expert guidance? Reach out to our team and let’s discuss how we can help.
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